Take a well-being assessment, learn about areas of well-being, feel empowered to understand your own needs and strengths.

Immediately connect to resources tailored to meet your behavioral health, financial, medical, or relationship needs; enhance your sense of purpose and happiness.

Improve and manage your overall well-being.

What we do

  • We make it easier for individuals to take the first steps in addressing their well-being needs.

  • We use the scientifically validated Well-Being Inventory (WBI) that sets the stage for concrete actions to improve one's well-being.

  • We remove barriers to address behavioral health needs by shortening the path for individuals to find vetted behavioral health and other well-being resources.

  • We provide targeted connections to beneficial programs, services, and supports using personalized results from the WBI enabled by technology.

Technology – Health – Resources – Improvement – Validation – Empowerment